Activities are crucial in prospecting and client retention as they ensure timely follow-ups, engagement, and relationship-building with potential and existing clients. By scheduling and tracking activities, businesses can maintain consistent communication, address client needs promptly, and ultimately improve conversion rates and customer satisfaction. This organized approach helps in nurturing leads and retaining clients, leading to sustained business growth.

This guide will walk you through the steps to add activities in Sedding and Framing of SalesTown CRM.

Guide to add an  Activity on the Seeding (Prospect) 

1. Navigate to the Seeding  Page

  • On the workboard, locate and choose the Seeding tab by clicking to access the Seeding List page.
  • Click on the respective Prospect to open its detail view.

2. Add Activity

  • In the Prospect detail view, click on the Activity option given on the right side.

3.  Fill in Activity Details

  • A form will appear where you can enter the below details -

  1. Activity purpose (call, email, meeting, task, etc.), 
  2. Activity title
  3. Date
  4. Time From and Time To
  5. Description
  6. Assigned To
  7. Mark as Done Option
  • Click Add Activity to save the activity.
  • Activity will be scheduled against the chosen Prospect


Guide to add an Activity on Farming

1. Navigate to the Farming  Page

  • On the workboard, locate and choose the Farming tab by clicking to access the Farming List page.
  • Click on the respective Client to open its detail view.

2. Add Activity

  • In the Client detail view, click on the Activity option given on the right side.

3.  Fill in Activity Details

  • A form will appear where you can enter the below details -

  1. Activity purpose (call, email, meeting, task, etc.), 
  2. Activity title
  3. Date
  4. Time From and Time To
  5. Description
  6. Assigned To
  7. Mark as Done Option
  • Click Add Activity to save the activity.
  • Activity will be scheduled against the chosen Client.

Additional Tips

🔶Set reminders for activities to ensure timely follow-ups.

🔶Reminders can often be configured when adding the activity.

🔶Regularly check the Activities section to track the progress and completion of tasks.

Technical Problems:

Clear your browser cache or try a different browser if you experience technical difficulties. Contact the SalesTown support team at