In SalesTown CRM, importing products is essential for maintaining an up-to-date and comprehensive inventory. This guide will walk you through the process of importing products, ensuring your product catalog is accurate and readily accessible. Follow these steps to seamlessly integrate new products into your system.

Step-by-Step Guide to Import  the Products in SalesTown CRM

1. Navigate to Import Setting

  • From the main dashboard, locate the Essentials< Settings tab in the main menu or navigation panel.
  • Click on Settings to open the settings page.
  • In the settings page, find and click on the User Data < Import option.
  • This will open the Import page, which includes different modules Tab such as Leads, Contact, Seeding, and Products

2. Download the Template

  • Go to the Products tab by clicking on it. The Product Import window will appear.
  • Before importing, download the sample template provided by SalesTown CRM to ensure your data matches the required format.
  • Click on the Download Format link.

3. Prepare Your Data

  • Open the downloaded template.
  • Fill in your contact data according to the column headers in the template.
  • Ensure each column is filled out correctly, and mandatory fields are not left blank.

4. Upload the File

  • After preparing your data, go back to the Import Product section.
  • Click on the Choose File button to select your filled template.
  • Click on the Import Products button.
  • The system will notify you once the import is successful.


Tips and Best Practices

  • Data Accuracy: Ensure your data is accurate and complete before importing to avoid errors or data loss.
  • Field Mapping: Pay close attention to field mapping during import to ensure data integrity.

Technical Problems

Clear your browser cache or try a different browser if you experience technical difficulties. Contact the SalesTown support team at