Activities against a lead in a CRM are tasks or interactions such as calls, emails, or meetings that are logged to track progress and follow-up actions with the lead. Adding activities against a lead in SalesTown CRM helps in tracking tasks, follow-ups, and interactions, ensuring that all necessary actions are documented and completed. 

In SalesTown CRM, here are three methods to add an activity against a lead:

  1. via Tile View  (from workboard)

  2. via Lead Detail View 

  3. via Activity Page 

This guide provides detailed steps for all the above methods to ensure you can easily schedule an activity against a lead.


Adding an Activity from Tile View ( Workboard)

1. Select the Lead

  • In the Tile View, find the lead against which you want to add an activity.

  • Click on the red, green, grey flag or danger icon of the particular Lead.  

  • A quick view of the added activities will be shown.

2. Add Activity

  • Look for an Add Activity button on the quick view of a lead.

  • Click on it to open the activity form.

3.  Fill in Activity Details

  • Enter the activity details such as 

  • Activity purpose (call, email, meeting, task, etc.), 

  • Activity title, 

  • Date,

  • Time from and time to, 

  • Description

  • Assigned To

  • Mark as Done Option

  • Click Add Activity to save the activity.

  • Activity will be scheduled against the chosen lead.


Adding an Activity from Lead Detail View

1. Select the Lead

  • On the Workboard window, find and click on the lead to which you want to add an activity.

  • A detailed view of the selected lead will appear.

2. Add Activity

  • In the lead detail view, click on the Activity tab given on the right side.

3.  Fill in Activity Details

  • A form will appear where you can enter the below details -

  1. Activity purpose (call, email, meeting, task, etc.), 
  2. Activity title
  3. Date
  4. Time From and Time To
  5. Description
  6. Lead field with search function  (to select the lead against which the activity will be logged)  
  7. Assigned To
  8. Mark as Done Option
  • Click Add Activity to save the activity.

  • Activity will be scheduled against the chosen lead.


Adding an Activity from the Activity Page

 1. Navigate to the Activity Page

  • On the workboard, locate the main menu or navigation panel.

  • Click on the Activity menu to access the Activity Page.

2.  Add New Activity

  • On the Activity Page, look for an Add Activity button.

  • Click on it to open the activity form.

3. Fill in Activity Details

  • Enter the activity details such as

  1. Activity purpose (call, email, meeting, task, etc.), 
  2. Activity title
  3. Date
  4. Time From and Time To
  5. Description
  6. Lead field with search function  (to select the lead against which the activity will be logged)  
  7. Assigned To
  8. Mark as Done Option
  • Click Add Activity to save the activity.

Tips for Effective Activity Management

  • Set Reminders: Use reminders to ensure you don’t miss important activities.

  • Categorize Activities: Use different activity types to categorize tasks and interactions for better tracking.

  • Update Regularly: Keep the activities updated to reflect the current status and progress.

Troubleshooting and Support

  • Data Entry Issues: Double-check that all required fields are completed correctly when adding an activity.

  • Technical Problems: Clear your browser cache or try a different browser if you experience technical difficulties. Contact the SalesTown support team at