In a CRM system, users are individuals who have access to the CRM software and its various features. Users typically fall into different categories based on their roles and responsibilities within an organization. 

Managing user permissions in SalesTown CRM is essential to ensure that users have the appropriate access levels to perform their roles effectively. This guide provides detailed steps on how to manage user permissions within your SalesTown CRM account.

Step-by-Step Guide to Managing User Permissions

1.  Navigate to User Management

  • From the Essentials menu, click on the Setting option from the dropdown menu. It will open the Setting Page.
  • Click on the Company Setting tab in the left sidebar. Then click on the Manage User tab.

2. Select a User to Manage Permissions

  • In the User Management section, you will see a list of all users.
  • Find the user whose permissions you want to manage and click on their Permission option to open their permission view.

3. Assign or Modify the Roles (if needed)

  • SalesTown CRM typically uses roles to manage permissions.
  • In the user’s permission view, in the right sidebar, common roles include Admin, Regular User,  Accounts, and E-Marketer.
  • Click on the Switch tab given next to each role to turn it On and OFF as per the requirements 
  • A confirmation dialog will appear, asking you to confirm the action. Click OK.

4. Assign or Modify User Permissions

  • If needed, customize the permissions associated with the role by checking or unchecking specific access rights by switching the tab ON and OFF.
  • Permissions may include access to the below features-
  1. Pipeline Access
  2. Manage Pipeline
  3. Export Data
  4. Import Data
  5. Delete Lead
  6. Delete Contact
  7. See Other Report
  8. View Contact of Other users
  9. View the Contact Phone number
  10. Manage Custom Field
  11. Manage Social Publish
  12. Manage Marketing Campaign
  13. Helpdesk
  14. Chatbot
  15. Ability to Password Change
  16. Ability to Delete Activity
  17. Ability to Delete Notes
  18. Ability to Edit Notes
  • After adjusting the permissions, click Save Changes to apply the changes to the user’s account.


Tips for Effective Permission Management

  • Least Privilege Principle: Grant users the minimum permissions necessary to perform their roles to enhance security.
  • Audit Logs: Periodically check audit logs to monitor changes in user permissions and access.


Troubleshooting and Support

  • Permission Errors: If a user does not have access to certain features, check their assigned role and permissions.
  • Unauthorized Access: Immediately adjust permissions or revoke access if unauthorized access is detected.
  • Technical Issues: Clear your browser cache or try a different browser if you experience technical difficulties. Contact the SalesTown support team at