Auto-scheduling activities in SalesTown CRM can significantly streamline your workflow and ensure timely follow-ups with leads.

This guide will walk you through the steps to set up auto-scheduling for three key scenarios: when a new lead is added, on every stage change, and when different rules apply for each stage change.

Guide to Auto-Schedule an Activity from Activity Setting

 Navigate to Activity Settings

  • From the main dashboard, locate the Essentials< Settings tab in the main menu or navigation panel.
  • Click on Settings to open the settings page.
  • In the settings page, find and click on the Tools< Activity Setting option.
  • This will open the Activity Settings page, which includes different options.

1. Schedule an auto activity when a new lead is added

  • In the activity settings, switch on the  Auto Activity Schedule on New Lead option.
  • A pop-up having the dropdown of the activity type and time will appear.
  • Choose the type of activity (e.g., call, email, task, meeting, etc ).
  • Then choose the  auto activity schedule time from the dropdown having the option ( Immediate,  After 30 minutes, After 1 Hour, After 2 Hours, After 3 hours, After 6 Hours)
  • After choosing, the auto activity will be scheduled upon adding a new lead according to the specified time.

 2. Schedule an auto activity on all stage change

  • In the activity settings, switch on the  Auto Activity Schedule on Stage Change option.
  • A pop-up having the dropdown of the activity type and time will appear.
  • Choose the type of activity (e.g., call, email, task, meeting, etc ).
  • Then choose the  auto activity schedule time from the dropdown having the option ( Immediate,  After 30 minutes, After 1 Hour, After 2 Hours, After 3 hours, After 6 Hours)
  • After choosing, the auto activity will be scheduled upon adding a new lead according to the specified time.

3. Schedule an auto activity  for each stage change  with different rules 

  • In the activity settings, click on the Stage Change Auto - Activity tab.
  • It will open a window to create different rules for stage change.
  • Click on the Add Rule button on the right side of the window.
  • A pop-up window with the below details to choose from will appear. 


    Pipeline Choose the Pipeline from the dropdown where the auto activity will be scheduled for the lead.
    Pipe Stage Choose the Pipe stage from the dropdown where the auto activity will be scheduled for the lead.
    Activity Type Choose the type of activity (e.g., call, email, task, meeting, etc ) from the dropdown.
    Schedule Time Choose the auto activity schedule time from the dropdown having the option ( Immediate,  After 30 minutes, After 1 Hour, After 2 Hours, After 3 hours, After 6 Hours, After 12 hours, After 1 Day, After 2 Days, After 3 Days)
  • Then click on the Save button.
  • After choosing, the auto activity will be scheduled as per the rule.

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For any further assistance or detailed customization, refer to the SalesTown CRM user manual or contact the support team for personalized help.