A pipeline in sales represents the sequential stages that a lead progresses through from initial contact to closing the deal. Each stage reflects a step in the sales process, helping teams track and manage their progress efficiently. Managing pipelines and their stages efficiently is crucial for maintaining an organized sales process.

This guide provides detailed steps on how to edit, delete, and duplicate a pipeline and its stages in SalesTown CRM.


Step-by-Step Guide to Editing a Pipeline and its Pipestages

1. Navigate to Pipelines

On the workboard window, click on the pipeline setting icon given next to the pipeline dropdown.  

2. Edit the Pipeline and its Pipestage

  • It will land on the Pipeline Setting Page. Then click on the pipeline you want to edit given in the left corner of the window.
  • Update the pipeline details like the Pipeline name and its stages by just tapping on the respective name and then entering the desired name of it.


  • In Case you want to change the stage position, then you can drag the respective stage and drop it on the desired position.
  • Then click on the “Save Change” button to apply the changes.
  • The Pipeline will be updated as per changes done.


Step-by-Step Guide to Deleting a Pipeline and its Pipestages

1. Delete the Pipeline 

  • Locate the pipeline you want to delete on the pipeline setting page.
  • Click on the Delete option given on the three dots next to the cancel button.
  • In Case, the pipeline has some leads then a pop-up showcasing the total no. of leads along with "delete all leads" and "shift leads to another pipeline" option will be shown.
  • Users can choose the desired option and Confirm the deletion by clicking on the Delete Pipeline button. 

      Case-1 Delete all Leads -  After choosing, click on the Delete Pipeline Button. It will immediately delete the pipeline.

      Case-2 Shift leads to another pipeline -  A dropdown with all permissible pipelines will be shown. Choose the Desired pipeline          and click on the Delete Pipeline Button. 


2. Delete the Pipestages

  • Locate the desired pipeline of which the pipe stage you want to delete on the pipeline setting page.
  • Click on the Delete icon given next to the respective Pipe stage name.
  • Confirm the deletion in the alert that appears.  

Step-by-Step Guide to Duplicating a Pipeline

Duplicate the Pipeline

  • Locate the pipeline that you want to duplicate on the pipeline setting page.
  • Click on the Duplicate icon given on the three dots next to the cancel button.
  • A new pipeline will be created with the same stages and the original name having ( copy). You can rename and modify it as needed.


Tips for Effective Pipeline Management

  • Consistent Naming: Use consistent and clear terminology for pipelines and their stages to avoid confusion.
  • Review Regularly: Regularly review and update your pipelines and stages to reflect changes in your sales process.

Troubleshooting and Support

  • Missing Features: Ensure you have the necessary permissions to edit, delete, or duplicate the pipelines and their stages. Contact your SalesTown Account administrator, if features are missing.
  • Technical Issues: Clear your browser cache or try a different browser if you experience technical difficulties. Contact the SalesTown support team at support@salestown.in.