Terminology in a CRM system plays a crucial role in ensuring that the language used aligns with a business's specific processes and culture, making the system more intuitive and user-friendly for its users. Companies can enhance clarity, reduce confusion, and improve overall workflow efficiency by customizing terminology. 

Step-by-Step Guide to  Customize the Terminology  in the Navigation Panel 

1. Navigate to Settings

  • From the main dashboard, locate the Essentials< Settings tab in the main menu or navigation panel.
  • Click on Settings to open the settings page.
  • In the settings page, find and click on the Tools<Customize Navigation option.
  • This will open the Customize Navigation window.

2. Customize Menu Terminology

  • In the terminology customization interface, you will see a list of menu items and submenus that can be customized.
  • Select the menu item field, you wish to customize by clicking on it.
  • Enter the new terminology that you want to use for the menu item. Ensure it is clear and relevant to your business processes.
  • Click on the dropdown icon to find the submenu items related to the main menu item you customized.
  • Click on it and enter the new terminology for it.
  • After entering the new terminology, click on the Apply Changes button to apply the changes.


3. Reset Order/ Name (if necessary)

  • In case you want to reset the order or the name of the menu and submenu, then click on the Reset Order or  Reset Name button.
  • A confirmation dialog will appear asking you to confirm the action.
  • Click on the OK button to confirm the changes.

Additional Tips

  1. Consistency:
    • Maintain consistent terminology across all menu and submenu items to avoid confusion.
  2. User Feedback:
    • Gather feedback from your team on the new terminology to ensure it is easily understood and beneficial.

Technical Problems:

Clear your browser cache or try a different browser if you experience technical difficulties. Contact the SalesTown support team at support@salestown.in.