In SalesTown CRM, the lead owner is the person responsible for managing and following up with a specific lead. Assigning a lead owner ensures accountability and allows for effective tracking and nurturing of potential sales opportunities.

In SalesTown CRM, here are two methods to change the owner of a lead:

  1. via List View 
  2. via Detail View 

This guide provides detailed steps for both methods to ensure you can easily assign leads to the appropriate team members.

Step-by-Step Guide to Change the Lead Owner via the List View

1.  Navigate to the Lead's List View

  • Click on the table view icon given on the left side of the Add Lead Button. A window with leads in a List view will appear.
  • Click on the checkbox given on each row of Lead to select the respective Leads whose owner you want to change.

2. Change the Owner

  • Once the lead is selected, locate the Actions dropdown menu. Click on the Change Owner option.
  • A dialog box will appear with a list of users. 
  • Select the new owner from the dropdown menu and hit the Apply button.
  • Click the Change Owner button to confirm the change.


Step-by-Step Guide to Change the Lead Owner via the Detail View

1. Find the Lead to Change the Owner

  • Use the search bar given on the workboard window to search the Lead Title.
  • Click on it and it will redirect to the Lead Detail Page.


  • Click on the Lead whose owner you want to change.
  • It will redirect to the Lead Detail Page.

2. Change the Owner

  • In the lead detail view, locate the Change Owner link given at the top of the Detail View and click on it.
  • A dialog box will appear with a list of users.
  • Select the new owner from the dropdown menu
  • Click the Change Owner button to confirm the change.
  • Now the Respective Lead will assigned to the chosen owner.

Tips for Effective Lead Management

  • Clear Communication: Communicate with your team members when reassigning leads to ensure a smooth transition.
  • Use Filters: Utilize filters in the Leads List to quickly find leads assigned to specific team members if needed.

Troubleshooting and Support

  • Missing Options: Ensure you have the necessary permissions to change lead ownership. Contact your Account administrator if options are missing.
  • Data Entry Issues: Double-check that all required fields are completed correctly when changing the owner.
  • Technical Problems: Clear your browser cache or try a different browser if you experience technical difficulties. Contact the SalesTown support team at